Three Pieces

    The Red Door: Clarinet Works of David Maslanka – A conversation with Jeremy Reynolds and Matthew Maslanka

    This conversation is about the album The Red Door: Clarinet Works of David Maslanka (2021)

    Works discussed:

    Three Pieces (1975)
    Fourth Piece (1979)
    Little Symphony (1989)
    Eternal Garden (2009)
    Trio No. 1 (1971/2012)
    Trio No. 2 (1981)
    A Litany for Courage and the Seasons (1988)

    Matthew Maslanka: My name is Matthew Maslanka. I’m David Maslanka’s son. I’m being joined by Jeremy Reynolds who is professor of clarinet at University of Denver Lamont School of Music. And he has just released a two-CD set of basically everything dad ever wrote for chamber clarinet. And it is just a stunning piece of work. And I am grateful to be able to talk with you about it today.

    Jeremy Reynolds: So thank you. Matthew, thank you so much. This has been a long time coming. And thank you for speaking with me. And anytime I can talk about your dad’s work and working with him and stuff. It’s always my pleasure. So it’s great. Fantastic.

    MM: Why don’t you tell me a little bit about how this thing came to be?

    JR: Yeah. So a very good friend of mine, Peggy Dees, who your dad also knew quite well. She was integral in getting Eternal Garden off the ground. She was I think the leader of the commission project. And she contacted – No, we met actually doing a recording session down in Florida for I think it was Carl Fischer. And we became really good friends and she roped me into the commissioning project for […]